By Christopher White

The Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit is a work deeply rooted in Scripture. It is an in-depth study of the role the Holy Spirit has played in the Bible’s Old and New Testaments. As the Word of God declares, this world is under the sway of the evil one. But God has been at work all along, drawing both Jew and Gentile away from the ways of sin and death and into the paths of eternal life, through the work of His Holy Spirit.



"The latest version of Chris White's book on discipleship and the Biblical church:

Jesus Will Have His Church!

An Excerpt from Chris White’s new book on discipleship and the Biblical church:

The best description of the Christian life portrayed in the New Testament is that of discipleship leading to authentic, active membership in the Body of Christ. Therefore, the first part of this book describes what it means to become a disciple of Jesus. Once we become disciples, however, desiring to do God’s will and not our own, then the issue arises of finding our place in the church, Christ’s Body. But what is the church from God’s perspective?



¡Jesús tendrá Su iglesia!

Un extracto del nuevo libro de Chris White sobre el discipulado y la iglesia bíblica:

La mejor descripción de la vida cristiana representada en el Nuevo Testamento es aquella en la que el discipulado lleva a una adhesión auténtica y activa en el Cuerpo de Cristo. Por lo tanto, la primera parte de este libro describe lo que significa convertirse en discípulos de Jesús. No obstante, una vez que llegamos a ser discípulos, deseando hacer la voluntad de Dios y no la nuestra, el problema que surge es encontrar nuestro lugar en la iglesia, el Cuerpo de Cristo. Pero, ¿qué es la iglesia desde la perspectiva de Dios?

Excerpt from the Introduction by Jaan Vaino: (Mr. Vaino describing a lecture at Columbia University given by his freshmen year astronomy professor…)

“He derived from one end of the blackboard to the other the famous equation that summarizes Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. And for one brief shining minute, we understood it! We understood it! We were impressed, more with ourselves than with him. And the drama of the moment was not lost on our eminent professor. He strode to the edge of his platform, and he told us the one thing that he said he wanted us to remember, and here is what he said. He said, ‘You will never be a free person until and unless you decide never to worship anyone or anything. Breathtaking! Breathtaking! No one raised a voice in objection to what he said, but I can tell you if Einstein was in the room, he’d have called that man down, because Einstein did not believe what our professor told us.


The Bible tells us of many miracles: the blind receiving their sight, the lame walking, and even the dead rising again to life. But the greatest of all miracles is forgiveness, the free and complete pardon of an undeserving sinner by a righteous and holy God. As Psalm 32 says, "Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered."


The role of the evangelist is critical to the building up of the Body of Christ. And, regardless of what some may claim in our day, the need for evangelists will never end until Christ returns. The apostle, the prophet, the pastor, and the teacher all have differing callings, but every role is ordained of God and is critical to the building up of the church....


Academia and the media usually depict Darwin’s theory of evolution as a concept so thoroughly established as to be beyond serious challenge. Yet when two good friends attended their biology class at Yale, the professor asked the class, “How many people here believe that God created man?” Just a few hands went up, six or so, out of about one hundred and fifty students.


Our country, including New York City, is rapidly wandering away from its Judeo-Christian foundations, the chief source of the many blessings Americans have long enjoyed. Educators, among others, are rewriting American history as taught in schools and universities, and our children are deprived of a thorough and accurate knowledge of their roots. A nation in which most citizens were once familiar with the Bible is raising generations of children who are ignorant of the most influential book in the development of our society. From all too many professorial lecterns, the call goes out for freedom from religion in a land founded on freedom of religion....


“I was thinking about the verse from the Psalms that says, ‘Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.’ (Psalm 42:7) It is all too easy for us to dwell on the surface of things. Even as believers, we can miss so much by not entering into a deeper understanding of what is going on around us, especially when suffering or sorrow are involved. In John 11, when Martha came up to Jesus to tell Him, ‘Lord, the one you love is sick,’ what she said was accurate. Jesus greatly loved Lazarus.


We live in a generation that prides itself on personal preferences and choices. As a generation, we believe what we want to believe and reject those things that do not fit into our personal viewpoint. This is especially true when it comes to matters of religion. Our generation holds to a bewildering array of religious beliefs today. Some can even be quite religious about their refusal to believe in God! On his deathbed in 1882, Charles Darwin spoke regretfully of what his contemporaries had done with his ideas and speculations on the origins of life: "To my astonishment the ideas took like wild-fire. People made a religion of them."