
Our country, including New York City, is rapidly wandering away from its Judeo-Christian foundations, the chief source of the many blessings Americans have long enjoyed. Educators, among others, are rewriting American history as taught in schools and universities, and our children are deprived of a thorough and accurate knowledge of their roots. A nation in which most citizens were once familiar with the Bible is raising generations of children who are ignorant of the most influential book in the development of our society. From all too many professorial lecterns, the call goes out for freedom from religion in a land founded on freedom of religion.
We need revival, not just because it would be marvelous to see God move again with power from on high, but because we desperately need “times of refreshing…from the Lord.” (Acts 3:19) With the growing moral darkness and confusion around us, there is also an urgent need for “the people of the world [and our nation to] learn righteousness,” beginning with those who call themselves Christians....

Copyright 2022 Christopher N. White. Based on a message given at the New Testament Missionary Fellowship, Yonkers, New York in 2007.

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