The UEC – Fresh Springs Association is an Associated Ministry of the United Evangelical Churches (P.O. Box 1000, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-1000), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1964. All donations to the UEC – Fresh Springs Association are fully tax deductible to the extent that no goods or services were received in exchange for contributions other than intangible religious benefits.
The core purpose of this ministry is evangelism and teaching in the New York City metropolitan region, on university campuses, in Latin America, and wherever else the Lord may open the doors. We are about the work of proclaiming the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ, promoting unity and cooperation among believers for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, and for the building of His eternal Church. The Bible contains the eternal, unchanging revelation of the mind of our Lord, and remains today the most powerful and effective tool for the transformation of lives, families, and communities. As Psalm 87:7 proclaims, “All my fresh springs are in you.” (NKJV, expanded) The Word of God brings refreshing, transformation, and genuine life to all those who receive and live out Jesus’ message of forgiveness and grace. The proclamation of His redeeming power is our chief work. Read more About us